Monday, October 10, 2016

2016 Association Photo

Here it is again- the end of another great flying season. We have new experiences and friends to fondly remember as the days grow colder and the leaves begin to fall. Thank you to the members that made it out Sunday for the 2016 Association Photo:

MRFA would like to thank photographer Thomas Andrew [ - 937-408-5810] for generously donating his time and skill to photograph the association. We will be posting more of his photos from picture day in the coming week.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Group Picture Day

Members- THIS SATURDAY, OCT. 8th at 6:00 PM we will be taking a GROUP PHOTO of the 2016 membership.


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Late Summer at MRFA

The die-hard fliers have been out at MRFA getting flight time in before the big chill of Fall hits. Check out some of the birds that have been buzzing around the field:

Dick's Supersportster laying down a smoke trail.
Rob's Aircruiser 25- one fast little ol' bugger!
And David...well...he put his Edge 540 down just a wee bit from the runway. Just a tad!
Come on out and join the fun before the days are short and the winds are cold and wet!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

October Association Meeting

Next Association Meeting
THURSDAY, October 6th, 6:00 PM at the field house
Member attendance is requested.
We will be discussing safety policy, ideas for next season events, and member responsibilities.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Heli Video

Member Mike Unger shot some great footage of his flight over the MRFA flying field earlier this month using a GoPro camera on his Mostro helicopter. Here's an excerpt of his video, which will be uploaded in full and shared on the Photos page:

Sunday, September 11, 2016

New Runway & Sunday Flying

Dick K. flew over the new runway today with his camera drone. Check out the new strip:
Great weather today- not too many left before the rain and cold rolls in!