Sunday, June 11, 2017

Ah- WARM weather- it's SUMMER!

Thursday was a great evening for flying. We finally had weather that was warm and not too windy. Thanks to the efforts of Bill and Dick, we had a runway cut and ready for flying. Dick's 3-D printed Cessna 152 (pics forthcoming) took to the air for its maiden flight and flew beautifully. A loose muffler grounded Rob after it caused two hairy dead-stick landings (thanks for the tools, Mark!). But- the attraction of the evening was Mike's carbon fiber, 700-size Goblin. Wow- what a super sick heli! (That's what the cool kids say...)

We are rooting for you taking first at the AMA Nats this year Mike!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A June meeting with March weather.

Dave M.'s electric Astro Hog.
Our June meeting took place under dreary, cold skies on Wednesday. Items discussed at this month's meeting included:

- Possible artificial turf for the field. We are awaiting more news from our potential source.
- Picnics after each pylon race.
- FPV "waiver" for drone racing events at our field.
- Designing the swap meet flyers for next year.
- Producing a rules sign for the flying field and getting it printed.
- Starting service for the port-o-john at the end of the month.
- Rotor Challenge date awaiting more information.


Members in attendance: Mark, Dick, Bill H., Bill A., Rob, Dave Mb., Chuck

Sunday, June 4, 2017

SMAC Invitational Picnic

Thanks to the members of the Springfield Model Airplane Club (SMAC) for inviting us to their annual fly-in and picnic. The weather was perfect for flying, the hamburgers tasty, and everyone had a great time:
Urbana member Todd P. watches as one of the jets does a fast pass down the runway.
Members Bill A., Dick K., and Danny W. enjoy the show from the shade of the pavilion.
The jets were awesome to watch as they did loops and rolls.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Warbird Racing 2017

Our 2017 warbird pylon racing season kicked off to a great start on Saturday. The guys did an awesome job of rolling with it and working out a smooth process for conducting the heat races (including how to do hand-launches). The races were fast, nail-biting fun!

The new Tower Hobbies Reno Racer Mustang proved to be the plane to beat (although much of that performance was definitely superior piloting skill). After three heats of races (6 total), Mark. M. came out with an early points lead in the season. Will he remain the points lead? The stakes are high- we'll see next month!

It is not too late to join the racing series. If you have a Tower Hobbies war bird, bring it out and join the fun next month!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Weather Woes

The cold, wet, and windy weather has put a damper on plans to have pylon racing practice (or just flying models in general). We have standing water in the pits, and pylon practice was put off again today because of the 15 mph wind gusts. 

A few brave souls came out in defiance of crabby ol' Mother Nature. Mark and Rob actually pulled off two maiden flights- one with a quadcopter and the other with a freshly-built vintage Bridi/Great Planes 60 Trainer kit:
The quadcopter handled the wind well.
1980's Great Planes Trainer 60 with a Saito 65.
 Despite the recent weather, the flying season is here. Looking for a friendly place to fly, or learn to fly model aircraft? Fill out the CONTACT US form on the JOIN page and we'll get you set up with an association membership!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Pylon Racing Season

Pylon Racing Season Info


 If you plan on racing this season, here are a few things you need to know or do:
  • You'll need to have your Tower Hobbies warbird ready to fly, and at least two 3S 25-35C lipo batteries in good condition. Also, it's your choice to keep the landing gear in place.
  • Before you can race, you'll need to register and get colored ID stickers for your wings and tail, (unless you have a distinctive paint scheme) .
  • Practice hand-launching your airplane safely.
  • Range check your radio setup.
  • Be able to demonstrate that your throttle fail-safe works. 
  • Pay your non-refundable $20 season race fee.
  • Demonstrate your AMA membership is current.
The tentative racing schedule for the season is:
May 13th
June 17th
July 15th
August 19th
September 16th
 (All Race Days Noon-4 PM)

The schedule is subject to change. Participants will be notified by email and posted on this site if there is a reschedule due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. Spectators are welcome!

See you there!